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concerning growing sectors in Mayotte

There is a very strong desire on the part of local actors to change this situation and to facilitate the installation of health professionals in Mayotte, as well as the deployment of telemedicine.

A new demand is also emerging on health: to make Mayotte a health rear base for gas projects in the Mozambique Channel. Indeed, the platforms planned off Mozambique are only a few km from Mayotte. The scenario of medical evacuations being taken over by Mayotte is currently being studied. It appeals to many players in current gas projects.

Mayotte has the first maternity hospital in Europe with  9,770 births in 2020.

There are also 54 general practitioners per 100,000/inhab (compared to 591 for the whole of France and 391 for Réunion) and 36 specialist doctors per 100,000/hab (compared to 186 for the whole of France and 144 for Réunion) in 2019


Number of consultations at the CHM in 2018
Number of hospitalizations at the CHM in 2018

Investment opportunities

Liberal medicine (generalist and specialist)
Private clinics
International medical repatriations

Contacts and useful links

